Sales and Marketing Management

The goal of the training is to create and understand how to apply a marketing and sales strategy for your organization that drives conversion and is commercially sustainable. The way there is set out via a deep understanding of how influence works in practice in accordance with modern influence theory.
Results after the education
- Understanding of the management of market and sales activities based on the market and the organization
- Understanding of human influence, which is fundamental to the work and results of the marketing and sales function.
- Understanding of the media and sales channels that the marketing and sales function can use
- Practical ability to manage the business process against the demand for the company's supply.
- Understanding to make, analyze and evaluate tactical decisions regarding influence efforts.
- Understanding of the legal and ethical considerations necessary in human impact work.
- One step closer to a Business Executive Degree
In the first part, you will learn how the company's market strategy and tactical business challenges determine the direction of the operational management of the influence efforts for which the marketing and sales function is responsible.
Based on the customer's journey towards a purchase, selected media channels and the outcome of the previous period's efforts, you will learn to identify and assess the circumstances in the market and in the organization that promote and oppose the conditions for reaching sales goals.
Your observations and conclusions are the starting point for the choice of focus on the operational management of the market and sales activities for the coming period.
- Management and control of the marketing and sales function
- How influence should be designed to have an effect
- Resources and channels for influence
- Law and ethics around purchasing, market communication and sales work
- Current situation and choice of tactical direction
In the second part, your ability to design influence efforts and the operational management is developed depending on different contexts and tactical situations. You encounter various practical situations within B2B and B2C where you learn to manage both the design of the influence efforts and the operational management.
You develop your ability to handle people with different interests, priorities and driving forces inside and outside the organization. When implementing operational management, you are faced with various goals and conflicts of interest that you must be able to handle in your role as a leader within the marketing and sales function.
- Working method to coordinate the sales and marketing organization in the work of pacing the sales
- Designing influence and working methods when selling a product brand through a channel of distribution
- Designing influence and working methods when you sell in a physical or digital store
- Designing influence and working methods for complex B2B sales
- Challenges in the operational management of the sales and marketing organization
In the final part of the training, you explore a tactical business challenge in a company in a group with other participants and, based on your observations, you decide the direction of the influence efforts and the operational management.
The project work is carried out for an external client.
- Analyze and assess the current tactical situation in the company's sales and marketing function
- Identify and specify the tactical business challenge
- Evaluate action options for various impact efforts
- Recommend focus on operational management
- Critical review of selected models and working methods
Apply to this education here
Education fee: 69 900 SEK*
Registration fee 2,500 SEK*
Literature included
*In the case of private financing , the price includes VAT, in the case of corporate financing, VAT is added
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Business Executive Degree
Four terms that secure your ability as a successful business leader